
fructus citri

Xiang Yuan(fructus citri), known in English as "citron" or scientifically as "Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis,"

is a variety of citrus fruit that is closely related to the common lemon. It is native to Asia and has been cultivated for both its fragrant fruits and ornamental value. The fruit of Xiang Yuan is unusually large and bulbous with a distinct protuberance at the blossom end, giving it an appearance similar to a large, misshapen lemon.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Xiang Yuan is valued for its aromatic peel, which is used medicinally to promote the movement of Qi (vital energy) and relieve symptoms associated with liver Qi stagnation such as distension, pain, and emotional stress. Citron is believed to have a soothing effect on the liver and to help regulate the Qi flow throughout the body.

The peel of Xiang Yuan contains essential oils, flavonoids, and other compounds that contribute to its characteristic fragrance and potential health benefits. These oils are rich in limonene and may offer anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

In Chinese culture, Xiang Yuan is also sometimes used during the New Year celebrations as an ornamental piece or filled with candied kumquats and other sweets to symbolize good fortune and prosperity.

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