
fructus trichosanthis

fructus trichosanthis, known as "Trichosanthes seed" in English,

is derived from the plant Trichosanthes kirilowii, which belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. This plant is native to various regions of Asia including China, Japan, and Korea. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Gua Lou Ren has a long history of use and is believed to possess therapeutic properties such as clearing heat and detoxifying the body, reducing swelling, dispersing nodulations, moisturizing the lungs, and stopping coughs.

The seeds are used in TCM formulas to treat a variety of conditions including cough, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, mastitis, and are also employed as a folk remedy for breast swelling and hyperplasia.

Pharmacological research suggests that Trichosanthes seeds contain a variety of bioactive compounds, including terpenoids (such as trichosanic acid), fatty acids, and steroids. Trichosanic acid is one of the most studied components, believed to help enhance immune system function and possibly possess anticancer effects.

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